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Welcome to BrainTrawler!

BrainTrawler is a free, task-driven, web-based data science tool to explore heterogeneous neurobiological data in human und mouse. Its key features are:
  • An unique collection of public neuroscience datasets of Brain Transcriptomic And Connectivity Data (BrainTACO) including (almost) brain-wide scRNA seq data
  • Multi-modal analysis: Joint exploration of different modalities like microarray gene expression data or connectivity data
  • Multi-scale analysis: Joint exploration of data on region and voxel level by mapping to same reference space
  • Real-time computations on large-scale data by our spatial indexing technique

Furthermore, BrainTrawler allows queries on arbitrary 3D regions of interest, gives the possibility of genome-wide expression comparison across datasets and regions and involves interactive 3D network visualization. That way, BrainTrawler allows a straightforward exploration of the brain. Analyze the data - don't prepare it!

In case you use BrainTrawler, please cite our paper (Ganglberger et al., 2024) describing BrainTACO or our other publications on BrainTrawler.

Start BrainTrawler

Click on the images below to get to the application for the respective reference brains:

BrainTrawler Mouse


BrainTrawler Human

For enquiries, please contact:
Boehringer Ingelheim